3 ways to raise a kid who won’t quit

Find out what the research says about teaching your child to work hard, finish what they start, and achieve their goals.

Illustrations by Andrew Torrens

If you love this, check out our animated videos about teaching your child to be curious, forgiving, generous, grateful, and honest — and check out our collection of articles, videos, and infographics about how to teach your child six important character virtues: honesty, curiosity, grit, generosity, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Resources and links

Persistence is critical for success in school and beyond. Here are 8 tips for nurturing this quality in your child.

How Angela Duckworth teaches her kids grit.

Stanford University’s Carol Dweck on the relationship between achievement and mindset.

This study examined academic attainment among low- income and minority teens and hypothesized that visualizing possible outcomes is not effective unless it’s accompanied by envisioning plausible strategies for success.

Angela Duckworth, author of Grit, found that kids who participate in at least 2 years of extracurricular activity have more successful outcomes.

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