Homework battles | Through a child’s eyes

Does your child ever struggle with homework? Many do. And there’s actually a lot you can do to help. Start by watching this video with your child.

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More Through a child’s eyes videos

In the video, Eli says he feels, “tense and red and frustrated” by his homework.

Ask your child: Do you ever feel like this boy does? What’s different about your experience with homework? If there was one thing you could do make homework more enjoyable, what would it be? What’s the one thing I can do to help?

Get advice:

Kathryn Lee: When parents feel frustrated by homework

Read more:

Coping with homework horrors
7 helpful tips for tackling homework with a minimum of tears.

Deborah Tillman: When your child says, “I hate homework!”
The star of America’s Supernanny tells parents to use this firm-but-creative approach to make sure your kids do their homework.

Christine Carter on “I hate homework!”
The Raising Happiness author and child development expert explains two surprising things kids need to focus on their homework.

Explore more about homework:

Does homework really work?
After decades spent trying to assess the value of homework, researchers still argue over the simplest findings.

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