Girl friendships | Through a child’s eyes

Friendships are a huge part of children’s lives and one of the hardest things for parents to manage. How can you help your child navigate this murky terrain?

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More Through a child’s eyes videos

Graciella says she feels like she’s in a “tug-of-war” between two sets of friends.

Watch this video with your daughter, and ask her if she’s ever felt what this girl feels. How does she know when she has a true friend? What are the three best ways you can help support her?

Get advice:

Robin Stern: How to handle girl friendships

Read more:

Why are girls’ friendships so turbulent?
Watching your daughter struggle socially can lead you to strange places. One mom found herself hiding behind a tree spying on her child at recess. Learn what experts recommend you really do to help your girl make (and keep) friends.

The myth of the BFF and other important friendship tips
Want your daughter to weather social storms and develop a strong sense of self? Check out these key principles every girl should know.

A book that explores girl friendships:

Lions of Little Rock
It’s 1958 in Little Rock, Arkansas, when two girls form a friendship that places them at the center of the battle over school desegregation.

Got a boy? Get insights into helping your son make good friends:

Unpopular… in elementary school?
“Unpopular” wasn’t a word I expected to hear, so young, and from my own son. I felt less equipped to handle the struggle over popularity than any parental challenge so far.

How to help your child make (and keep) friends
Learn what to it takes for kids to be socially successful.

Why are some bullies so popular?
Kids dominate their social scene with strategic use of mocking, gossip, and exclusion.

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