Is it see-through?

Skill: Science experiment to try


To see through, or not to see through…

In this hands-on science worksheet, your child will think about common items and whether they are see-through, not see-through, or whether a flashlight glow can be seen through them.


Materials we use

Skill: Guided inquiry


Does it go “ching,” “clunk,” or “thud”?

In this entertaining science worksheet, your child will identify whether various household items are made of wood, metal, or plastic.


Push or pull?

Skill: Understanding force


Forcefulness: push and pull.

In this fun science worksheet, your child will identify which of the two forces is depicted in a series of drawings. They can also practice pushing and pulling with various degrees of power.


Skin, feathers, and shells

Skill: Visual discrimination


Eagles have feathers, turtles have shells — what do you have?

In this science worksheet, your child will learn about different outer body coverings that different types of animals (including humans) have.


It’s too loud!

Skill: Hearing and sound


Which is louder, a jumbo jet or barking dog?

With this science worksheet, your child will choose from items and identify soft, loud — and dangerously loud noises.

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