Do you feel me? (monkey bars)

Falling off the monkey bars makes her feel like this. Can you guess how she felt?

Show the feeling word


To feel or suffer bodily pain or mental pain or distress

Take it further

Emotions matter. Emotions influence our decision making and color our relationships. Research shows that children who develop emotional intelligence skills are kinder, happier, healthier, and more successful. Help your child develop emotional intelligence by playing another round of our feeling words game.

Conversation starters:

    • Hurt has more than one meaning. Sometimes we say we’re hurt to describe physical pain, like when we fall and hurt ourselves. Other times, we say we’re hurt to describe how we feel on the inside. Ask your child, how did the girl in the video feel hurt on the inside? How did her body language signal to you how she was feeling?
    • Ask your child to remember a moment when they felt hurt by someone else’s actions. What might they have done to feel better in a situation like that?
    • What could you do to make someone feel better if you know they feel hurt? Do you think of yourself as someone who has care and concern for others? Why?


The girl in the video also felt hurt because of something she was telling herself. Could she have interpreted her classmates’ actions in a way that might have left her feeling better?
Ask your child to rewrite or rethink the story with a different interpretation about the girl’s classmates.

Book lists:

Explore stories about feeling hurt in our feeling word book lists:

Watch more Do you feel me? videos and learn more about emotions.
Read more about the Feeling Words Curriculum.
Have some fun with feeling words with our Mad-Sad-Glad Libs.


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