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Noli Brazil

Noli Brazil is a transdisciplinary researcher who deals with spatial demography, or more broadly, the connections between people and places. His research is in three domains, namely: 1) the consequences of large-scale urban trends and interventions, with a focus on inequality; 2) the residential mobility of young adults, with a focus on its determinants and consequences for neighborhood attainment and individual health and socioeconomic status; and 3) Hispanic migration, specifically its consequences on children and its broader impact on population redistribution in the U.S. Neighborhoods play a central role in Brazil's work, and is a theme that unifies many of the projects across the three research domains. As a transdisciplinary researcher, Brazil works with scholars from a variety of fields, such as demography, sociology, geography, public health. His research has appeared in such publications as Demography, American Journal of Epidemiology, and Population Space and Place.