Looking for some fun games and activities for preschoolers to keep your little one occupied — and learning — at home? Check these out!

Fun learning games and activities for preschoolers

  1. Healthy food collage

    Have your child find pictures of healthy foods that he likes to eat and then arrange these pictures in a creative collage.

  2. What am I?

    Describe an object and have your child guess what it is.

  3. Laundry sort

    By sorting and categorizing laundry, your preschooler will begin to build math and problem-solving skills.

  4. Telling tales

    By sharing family stories, you will reinforce an understanding of family and how things are similar or different from generation to generation. This provides a building block for studying social studies.

  5. Make music in a kitchen band

    Banging pots and pans, and beating on an oatmeal tin can teach the basics of finding the musical beat.

  6. The “scents” of smell

    Have your child explore the sense of smell by having her guess different scents.

  7. Make your own wrapping paper

    Try printmaking to make your own wrapping paper!

  8. Walk in the leaves

    In this fun and educational activity your preschooler explores leaves she has collected outside.

  9. Family drawing

    In this activity your child learns about families, draws a picture of her family and then tells about someone in the picture.

  10. Making and playing with goop

    Have fun with your child making “goop” out of cornstarch and water.

  11. Make an alphabet book

    Have your child create a personalized alphabet book.

  12. Feelings collage

    In this activity, your preschooler makes a collage that expresses different emotions.

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