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Advertiser guidelines and specs

Overall advertising acceptability guidelines

All Advertising materials submitted to GreatSchools must be in accordance with existing advertising criteria and specifications, and are subject to approval of GreatSchools.

GreatSchools reserves the right to remove or reject any Advertisement that doesn’t meet our standards of acceptance, doesn’t comply with our policies and guidelines (including our Privacy Policy), or that does not comply with any applicable law or regulation. GreatSchools will attempt to negotiate changes with the Advertiser/Agency, however, if changes cannot be negotiated, the Advertisement will be declined. No change will be made without the written consent of the Agency/Advertiser.

GreatSchools maintains clear separation between editorial matter and its Advertisements, and reserves the right to label an Advertisement with the word “Advertisement” or “Ad” or “From our Partner” to make clear the distinction between editorial material and Advertising. The Advertiser name and/or logo must appear with all Advertisements. It must be clear to users that any Advertisement has been paid for by the Advertiser, and may not be mistaken as GreatSchools content in any way.

GreatSchools may decline to accept advertising that is misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent, makes unfair competitive claims, or doesn’t comply with our standards of decency and dignity (including but not limited to Better Business Bureau’s ‘top scam’ lists).

Advertisements containing the following will not be accepted:

Advocacy/opinion advertising


Content sensitivity


Language and “good taste”


Simulation of editorial content

Unsubstantiated claims

General advertising guidelines

Data collection and disclosure1


Frequency caps

Clicking to other websites

Deceptive or obtrusive functionality

Creative submission

Technical specifications

General guidelines

Third party tab guidelines

Advertising specifications

Ad Unit Dimensions Max File Size (initial load) Flash/Looping Animations File Types Accepted 3rd Party Serving
Leaderboard 728×90 40K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd Party Tags, HTML5 Yes
Box 300×250 40K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd Party Tags, HTML5 Yes
Super Box 300×600 60K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd Party Tags, HTML5 Yes
Skyscraper 160×600 40K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd Party Tags, HTML5 Yes
Interstitial 640×480 100K 10 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd Party Tags, HTML5 Yes
Mobile 320×100/320×50 40K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd party tags, HTML5 Yes
Newsletter Box 300×250 50K N/A GIF, JPG No
Dedicated Email 640×480 100K N/A GIF, JPG No
Event Module 970×250 100K 3 loops/30 sec max (18 fps) GIF, JPG, SWF, 3rd, Party Tags, HTML5 Yes


1This section is in compliance with IAB suggested best practices. For more information, see “Data Usage and Control Primer: Best Practices and Definitions”, May 2010